Established 2008

Hot topic: Yayoi Kusama for Lancôme

May 19, 2010

I'm pretty bummed Lancôme isn't getting in these fabulously cute Juicy Tubes that were designed by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama in honor of the famous lip gloss' 10th anniversary – why, Lancôme, why??  There's just as big a market in the U.S. for these as other regions!  Grrr.

Yayoi kusama
(photo from

Kusama is famous for her works featuring a dot motif, which is included in the Juicy Tubes design.  Here it is on a larger scale in an installation from October 2008:

Yayoi-kusama 001
(photo from

Here's something else tremendously interesting about this artist, at least to me!  When I first saw the collection online her name didn't ring a bell.  But when I called Lancôme to find out if it would be coming to the States and said her name aloud, something caught in my memory.  After I hung up I said it a few more times to myself like a dork and realized that, ta-da, she is mentioned in a song by my one of my very favorite bands!  How cool is that?  If you listen carefully at the 3:10 mark you'll hear it.  🙂

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