I'm pretty bummed Lancôme isn't getting in these fabulously cute Juicy Tubes that were designed by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama in honor of the famous lip gloss' 10th anniversary – why, Lancôme, why?? There's just as big a market in the U.S. for these as other regions! Grrr.
(photo from glossy-kiss.blogspot.com)
Kusama is famous for her works featuring a dot motif, which is included in the Juicy Tubes design. Here it is on a larger scale in an installation from October 2008:
(photo from contemporaryartlinks.blogspot.com)
Here's something else tremendously interesting about this artist, at least to me! When I first saw the collection online her name didn't ring a bell. But when I called Lancôme to find out if it would be coming to the States and said her name aloud, something caught in my memory. After I hung up I said it a few more times to myself like a dork and realized that, ta-da, she is mentioned in a song by my one of my very favorite bands! How cool is that? If you listen carefully at the 3:10 mark you'll hear it. 🙂