Established 2008

Stila Striking in South Beach (too many S’s!!)


Stila's 4th installment in their 2011 summery travel series features Stila girl "Zoe" (who previously appeared on the Tokyo palette) jetting off to South Beach.  Loving the romper and roller-skate combo!

Here's the inside of the palette, for those of you who will actually be using it:


With flash:


Quote (like the past few travel palette quotes, this one is awfully uninspired.  It makes me sad since there is no shortage of great attributable quotes out there!)


Here's a partial screenshot of the South Beach palette info page.

South beach

Zoe's bio:

Bio zoe
(images from

Err, did anyone proof this?  Is it "Zoe" or "Zoey"?  And if they really wanted to be "forward-thinking", they should have used "apps" rather spelling out "applications".   Stila, please let me write your ad copy! 

Anyway, as with most of the other palettes in this series I'm not crazy about the info included in the clickable Polaroids – it just sounds like the writer looked up the most popular tourist traps and stuck them up there.  I feel like with the other travel palettes from last year (especially the Paris one), they were a little more thoughtful and not so hackneyed.  Oh well.  I can usually overlook these shortcomings given my well-documented adoration of Stila girls.   🙂

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