Established 2008

The palette that started it all

October 29, 2009

The other day I was noticing how worn down my Stila Wheat eye shadow is and reminiscing about when I bought it.  Then it dawned on me that it was the 10-year anniversary of my very Stila first eye shadow and Stila girl package!  In October of 1999 I was a poor college student and my mother generously offered me to take me to the mall to buy me a treat.  As I was perusing the makeup counters in Nordstrom (remember when Stila was still sold at Nordstrom?) this lovely little palette caught my eye:

Stila original

I remember thinking that I had never seen a palette so adorable in my entire life!  There she was, a brunette (like me!) putting on her makeup at her vanity.  The palette is sold empty so I got 4 eye shadows to fill it:  Wheat (still a staple for me to this day – its beigy-gold goodness goes with everything) Golightly (which, back then was known as Holly Golightly before copyright issues got in the way of Stila's eye shadow names)  Chinois, which I was told to use as an eye shadow base (remember, this is 1999, long before real eye shadow primers had become mainstream essentials) and Espresso (Stila had yet to come out with real eye liners, so I was told to line my eyes with this deep brown shade using a thin, damp eye shadow brush.)  As I started using and loving these shadows, I remember thinking that although the quality was superb, the best part about them was the palette they were housed in.  And thus the obsession with the Stila girls started.  No end in sight, of course.  ;)  I often wonder if I ever would have taken an interest in makeup packaging had it not been for the Stila girls.  

So, happy birthday to my very first Stila palette! (Looking at the picture more closely, you can really tell how well-worn and therefore, well-loved, it truly is.)

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