Established 2008

Stila 2012 travel palettes, part 5: Vibrant in Vancouver

August 7, 2012

Stila's Vibrant in Vancouver palette is the last installment in the 2012 travel palette series and takes us on a voyage to visit our northern neighbors.  Clad in a black, red and white striped dress (appropriate, given the country's red and white flag), this blonde takes a stroll near Coal Harbour and water airport, signified by the landing plane, with the Harbour Centre Tower in the background.


(image from



And the quote.  Like the Lovely in London palette, I would modify it slightly to make it more authentic.  In this case I'd add an "eh" to the end and spell "aboot" rather than about.  Haha, just kidding!  🙂


And thus concludes the 2012 travel palette series.  Which one was your favorite?  I can't decide…I think Sensational in Sydney and Lovely in London were my two favorites.

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