Summer is over, but I wanted to write a quick post about Paul & Joe's summer collection nonetheless. The Desert collection featured a pretty lotus-like pattern on lipsticks and face powders. Too bad I was on hiatus for most of the summer and didn't get to copy the theme from the website before the fall collection went up, so I have very little on this collection! Oh well. Here are some pics:
Face powder: (I love the pop of turquoise in the pattern – such a nice counterpoint to the orange!)
I love that the puff has the design on it as well:
There was also a limited edition pack of blotting papers:
Apparently this has the same design on it as one of Paul & Joe's creations for their summer collection, but I was unable to find it. All in all, a pretty, yet fairly unremarkable summer release. Their fall collection, however, is smashing! Keep an eye out for my posts on that. :)