Established 2008

Friday fun: MAC Venemous Villains

October 29, 2010

This is not the first time MAC has teamed up with Disney, but the Venemous Villains collection is far more vast than 2005's Tint Toons.  I liked that there was actually a tidbit of info about the design and colors.  From Nitrolicious:  “'Disney gave us the colors used when these characters were drawn throughout their history,' said Jennifer Balbier, vice president of product development for MAC, noting that Cruella and the Evil Queen share more “real woman” shades, such as red lips and peachy blush. Maleficent is 'pure fantasy,' said Balbier, noting that offbeat purples, blackened shades and pearlized nails were used."  It's great that MAC was able to use the same colors used for the characters.  There's also a video about the collection's inspiration, courtesy of Temptalia.

I'll start with the Evil Queen from Snow White. 

Bite of an Apple blush (I didn't take any pictures of the items opened – there are tons elsewhere and I'm lazy.  :P)


Oh So Fair powder:


Hot House lip gloss:


Sinister lipstick:


Here are some things from the Malificent collection.  (Funny side note – my mother told me that when I was little I was absolutely petrified of Malificent – something about those horns scared the bejesus out of me.  I don't remember this but it seems plausible.)

Briar Rose powder…I'm bummed mine has a big old scratch smack dab in the middle.  I'm a collector, MAC, my items need to be in pristine condition!  Meh.


She Who Dares eye shadow:


Dark Deed lipstick and Wrong Spell lip gloss:



Finally, some Cruella items.  I didn't get anything with Dr. Facilier, since I was mad at MAC for including him.  He's not a "classic" villain and we all know Ursula from The Little Mermaid would have made a much better character for this collection!

Darkly My Dear blush:


Her Own Devices beauty powder:


De-Vil eye shadow, Wicked Ways lip gloss, and Heartless lipstick:


Personally, I think it would have been interesting to have the sketches appear on the products themselves than the outer packaging.



Overall, a nice collection but a bit predicatable and literal.  Something more abstract (like the sketches) may have elevated this to a more sophisticated collection, but still fun and Disney-based.

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