Established 2008

Couture Monday: Chanel Lumière d’Artifices palette

November 17, 2008

Chanel put out this little gem for the spring 2007 collection, but with the colors, texture and shimmer this always struck me as being more appropriate as a holiday release.  This palette was "inspired by the hand-detailed designs of Chanel master embroiderers" and features three rows of dazzling sequined-shaped eye shadow/highlighter.

Sequins small

As with the tweed-patterned Pink Lamé palette and the Camelias palettes, this item doesn't focus on any particular season but rather expresses the overall use of sequins by the brand on various fashion pieces, like these couture gowns: 
Spring 07 couture
(photos from

I'd say the color on the middle row of sequins in the palette is a dead ringer for those on this evening bag:
Sequined bag
(photo from

While tweed jackets and camellias come to mind when I think of Chanel, that's not necessarily the case for sequins. I don't doubt Chanel does amazing things with sequins, as seen in the couture gowns and bag above, but I don't think their use is quite as iconic as tweed or camellias.  Still, this palette was well-executed, especially considering the tiny  "threads" holding the sequins on – it truly looks like embroidered sequins.  
The only thing that would have made this palette a little better is releasing it for the holidays rather than spring.  Maybe I have Christmas on the brain, but when I opened the compact this morning to help me write this post, all I could think of was how festive and perfect for a holiday exhibition this piece is.  Ah, silver and gold…just like the song Sam the Snowman sings in "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Raindeer"!  If you're not in the holiday spirit yet, here's a little serenade…and a very fitting one for this palette.  :)

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