Established 2008

Friday fun: soda and sweets

February 5, 2010

I placed a Sephora order for some spring goodies last week and couldn't resist picking up a few of these lip balms.  I posted about on10 before and sadly it seems that Sephora is doing away with them.  It's unfortunate given that the brand was sold exclusively at Sephora.  The up side is, they were on massive sale so I treated myself to four of them!

Here's Schweppes and Dr. Pepper:


Tootsie Pop and Tootsie Roll:

I love that a couple of these images were taken from real vintage ads.  Here's a poster from the '50s for Schweppes:

Schweppes ad
(image from lisacollinsflickr at

Another one from the '50s for Tootsie Rolls:

1950s TOOTSIE ROLL CANDY vintage advertisement
(image from

There isn't any information at the on10 website as to where they got the images for their products – all it says is that the packaging is "retro-inspired".  I'm assuming though that they have to have permission to use them, at least the ones that are direct copies of real ads like the Schweppes one.  In any case, I do hope they're not out of business on account of Sephora dropping them.  Otherwise I'll have to stock up before they're completely gone!

p.s.  Speaking of sweets, I learned via City Girl Lifestyle that today is World Nutella Day.  Awesome. 

4 thoughts on “Friday fun: soda and sweets

  1. I had no idea there was a world nutella day! I’m so sorry I didn’t know about it so we could celebrate appropriately.

  2. I had no idea there was a world nutella day! I’m so sorry I didn’t know about it so we could celebrate appropriately.

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