Established 2008

Curator’s Corner: “Dear Santa” edition

December 4, 2010

Dear santa I've been a very naughty extremely good girl this year.  Therefore I am asking dear old St. Nick to bring me some cool new toys to play with.  Here's a smattering of what's on my admittedly long list.

Beautysnob alerted me to Laduree candles – why didn't I know about these sooner?!

This beautiful Cle de Peau palette.

Books on Max Ernst and Marcel Duchamp.

These lovely dark chocolate Frye boots (sadly, sold out of my size everywhere online.  But if anyone could pull off a Christmas miracle and find them for me, it's Santa!)

Finally, Lululemon is my latest obsession.  I want pretty much all of their pants and hoodies.  Pricey, yes, but I've come to the realization that having nice things to go to and from the gym with and exercise in will help motivate me to work out more.  At least, that's what I'm hoping!  All I know is, my tattered 8 year-old Target pants and equally ancient ratty gym sweatshirt aren't cutting the mustard anymore.  Time to move on up!

What are you hoping Santa brings you?

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