Established 2008

Curator’s Corner, 9/22/2012

CC logoThis week's links, plus a few pics of my new boots!

– Here's another exhibition on punk, this time focusing on graphic design and drawings. 

– Next time I visit my parents I think I'll have to make a trip to this pizza museum.

– The Onion has a hilarious short piece on people feeling guilty for looking at paintings too fast.

– Speaking of The Onion, I wish this was fake news but sadly, it's real:  The Ontario College of Art & Design forced its students to fork over $180 for an art history text book that doesn't contain any images.  WTF??

– Interesting story on the growing number of South Korean men who wear makeup.

– The NARS/Andy Warhol collection was up in its entirety on Gilt earlier this week and included some exclusive collectibles.  Too bad Gilt wouldn't donate the set to the Museum.  I'm a collector, you think they'd want me to preserve it for posterity, right? 

– Baltimore is the nation's third dirtiest city.  Seems about right, judging from the amount of trash that regularly gets left on our front steps.  But at least Hampden made it to the top 20 hippest neighborhoods in the U.S.

– I love these silly theme days.  The 18th was National Cheeseburger Day, while the 19th, as everyone knows, was National Talk Like a Pirate Day

– Finally, here are some lovely new boots my very sweet husband treated me to. 


And here they are modeled by the Museum's Rights and Reproductions Manager, Seasick Sailor Babo. 

"I'm king of the world!"



After this picture was taken he started wobbling and then threw up, but fortunately he missed the boots.  😛

What were you into this week?

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