Established 2008

Curator’s Corner, 5/10/2015

CC logoLinks from the past few weeks.

– I'm developing a serious girl crush on Amy Schumer, as I've been greatly enjoying her show, but this video takes the cake.

– Makeup artist Lisa Eldridge will be releasing a book on beauty history in the fall. *mutters something about not having enough time/connections to write and publish my various beauty books*

– Check out this Kickstarter to bring back a lipstick from the 1940s.

– The New York Times published a must-read article on the horrendous working conditions in nail salons.

– This perfume company will bottle the scent of your deceased loved ones.  As someone who worries constantly about losing family members, I actually find this extremely comforting and not creepy at all – I know I'd be clinging to their clothes otherwise.

A new drug has been approved to "treat" your double chin.  Not sure how I feel about this as side effects may include "trouble swallowing, uneven smile and nerve injury in the jaw."  Yikes.  On the other hand, I wonder if it's really any more dangerous than Botox, which is scary since you're essentially injecting a form of botulism into your face.

– Sideburns: the latest beauty craze?

– Here's an article on a series of workshops focused on how curators and conservationists deal with objects that are tricky to preserve, including things like soap and toothpaste. I'd love to get their opinion on how to preserve makeup, an issue I've explored before.

– You know, it's really not that shocking that men aren't good at applying makeup on women. I wear it nearly every day and I still can't do someone else's makeup for squat.  I mean why would you be skilled at something you've never done before?  I'm just not getting the point of that exercise.

– The latest installment of beauty history at Jezebel covers the 1930s.

– Have you tried this self-esteem-destroying age guesser?  Me neither.  But I bet you'll feel better after seeing how much Photoshop goes into a single magazine ad.

The random:

– The ladies of Broad City are writing a movie.  Not a Broad City movie, but if they're involved you can guarantee it's going to be hilarious.

'90s game Tamagotchi is back in a thoroughly 21st century format. 

– In other '90s news, Kids in the Hall made an appearance in Baltimore.  I was a little wary of seeing them as I was afraid they were going to be washed up and sad, but they brought it! They're still just as goofy and funny as ever.   We tried taking a pic of Buddy Cole (my favorite KITH bit) but for the life of us we couldn't get a good picture, despite having good seats.   He opened with, "So, Baltimore, I hear your curfew's been lifted…so has mine!"  Oh, that naughty Buddy!  There was more topical Baltimore humor too which the crowd thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed, as we welcomed a laugh after all that's happened in the past couple weeks.  As a side note, the husband and I ate at Lost City Diner before the show and brought Sailor Babo with us, so you can see his tasty adventure here.

– Finally, happy Mother's Day to all the moms, especially mine!  She is the bestest.  🙂

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