Established 2008

Curator’s Corner, 4/17/2016

CC logoThis week's links. 

– In beauty history, we have a video that recreates Queen Elizabeth I's makeup, dangerous beauty ingredients, and a fascinating read on Louisa Adams' dabbles in makeup.  Meanwhile, Byrdie provided a nice little history of nail polish.

– Speaking of which, #malepolish is the new guyliner.

– This is an excellent way to prevent people from bothering you on the subway, plus you'll have great skin to boot. 

– Feline eyes are out.  The latest trend is "puppy" eye liner.

– Exciting news!  There was some buzz about the possibility of 3D printing of human skin as an alternative to animal testing.  Now scientists have recreated skin not through 3D printing but successfully growing it in a lab

– Mary Kay cosmetics:  empowering or just another pyramid scheme?  Maybe a little of both.

Make it stop!!

The random:

– In '90s news, MadTV is coming back, and Rage Against the Machine's Evil Empire turned 20.

-Can you imagine how much makeup inspiration we'd get from Harvard's collection of rare pigments?

– This "Eye of the Collector" exhibition highlights pieces from the world's most unusual collections, ranging from Pez dispensers to antique duck decoys.  I always love seeing what other people collect.

What's been catching your eye this week?




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