Established 2008

Curator’s Corner, 2/22/2015

CC logoThis week's links.

– Did you know there's an entire museum dedicated to miniature perfume bottles?  I had no idea until the Mini Museum contacted me on Twitter.  Now to find out how they made the leap from a virtual museum to a brick-and-mortar one. 

  – In bizarre beauty news, Pizza Hut launched a line of pizza-inspired polishes.  I love pizza and I love nail polish but this is just weird.  (Sidenote:  I misread the headline and thought the word "scented" was in there, so I was like, pizza-scented nail polishes? So. Gross.  Fortunately there was no attempt to make them smell like pizza.) 

– The new hair trend for fall 2015 is apparently "naked hair", i.e. the equivalent of no-makeup makeup.  I really wish this silly idea would die already – so boring.  Who wants to look like they just woke up?

– All the best makeup looks from the Oscars here.

– A photographer travels the world on a quest to find beauty in 37 countries (and counting) for a project she calls the Atlas of Beauty.

The random:

– Here's an intriguing new exhibition on the rituals of cleanliness and bathing.

– Mood lipstick is nothing new, but what about color-changing jackets?

– This week's dose of '90s nostalgia:  20 things you might not know about Office Space and 18 things you might not know about Wayne's World.

– Here's an informative interview with the ladies of Broad City.

– I saved the best for last.  As a Bob's Burgers fan and the biggest Sleater-Kinney fan ever I greatly enjoyed this video.  (Oh, and…I'M SEEING S-K WEDNESDAY NIGHT OMG OMG OMG!!!!!) 

What have you been up to this week?

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