Established 2008

Curator’s Corner, 12/29/2012

December 29, 2012

CC logoI haven't done a Curator's Corner in a few weeks, but I was still gathering links along the way.  I can't believe this is the last one for the year!

– Beautiful with Brains presented some interesting vintage ads that actually encouraged women NOT to be skinny.  Imagine that.

– Still more NARS/Andy Warhol awesomeness with this video.

– Just in time for a sparkly, shiny New Year's, Threaded brings us a great history of sequins

– In other fashion news, archaeologists have unearthed what they believe is the world's oldest bra

Pulp Fiction remains the Curator's favorite movie, so I was thrilled to see this take on its representation of gender at Bitch Flicks.

– Design Crush had an excellent round-up of pretty winter illustrations.

– On the local front, I finally found a place to get the tattoo I've been wanting for over a decade!!  And there's a new pizza place opening in Hampden.  Pizza fiend that I am, I'm excited to try it out.

– Finally, the year's best memes.  I'm pretty sure my top two are Grumpy Cat and What I Think I Do (although the latter wasn't included in this slideshow – not sure why, as it's hilarious).


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