Established 2008

Curator’s Corner, 10/29/2017

CC logoIt's the final Curator's Corner of October, which means soon the Museum will be in holiday makeup mode – so much good stuff this year!  In the meantime enjoy these links.  

– Bust had a nice little history of lipstick, while Bustle discussed how war shaped makeup usage and trends.  Speaking of trends, there was also a piece on the return of the full-coverage foundation, which I really liked since I'm definitely a full-coverage gal – none of that tinted moisturizer/BB cream BS for me.

– The woman who coined "on fleek" not only had the phrase recognized by Merriam-Webster (online, anyway), she's starting her own beauty line.

– You would think after the most recent Dove advertising disaster other big companies would be more mindful of race, but no.  And they're still oblivious to the fact that women, you know, get older, which you can read more about in a twopart post by Caroline Hirons.

– Is anyone really surprised that this product was a total fraud?  Meanwhile, Allure reveals how fake beauty products make their way to mainstream retailers.

The random:

– As soon as I saw this shirt come down the Dior spring 2018 runway, I knew I had to get my hands on it no matter how ridiculously overpriced because it's the title of my all-time favorite art history essay and I was positively delighted to see it recognized in the world of fashion.  The pioneering feminist art historian who wrote it had an unbelievably powerful influence on the entire discipline.  On a personal note, she was partially responsible for my feminist awakening and completely re-shaped how I look at art.  All of this is a long-winded way of saying, goodbye and thank you, Linda Nochlin.

– On a lighter note, I can't stop laughing at this Instagram account celebrating the most hideous design you can imagine. 

– In '90s nostalgia, a slew of movies ranging from the great to not-so-great turned 20, along with Natalie Imbruglia's hit "Torn".  And after 25 years, are you still "master of your domain?"

– In addition to holiday makeup releases, there's a lot of good TV to binge on.  Besides a new show from the ever-wacky Amy Sedaris, obviously I'll be devouring Season 2 of Stranger Things.  Pop culture junkie that I am, I've been greatly enjoying the roundups of all the '80s references in both the first and second season.  I'm also looking forward to the second season of another great Netflix show the husband discovered about a month ago.  If the trailer doesn't look interesting to you, I have two words to get you to watch:  Talking. Pugs.

How are you?  Any fun Halloween plans?




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