It was another busy week but I was happy to make my triumphant return to the blogosphere. Yay! Here are some things from around the interwebs and other stuff I'm loving this week.
– It's still warm enough here that I haven't totally switched over to fall scents, but I must say I'm in love with Philosophy's Candy Corn, Crispy Marshmallow Bars and Cookies 'n Creme body washes. Can't wait to start using them regularly as the temperature drops!
– Check out this panther-shaped (and rather silly-looking, I must say) mascara from new cosmetics line Ultraflesh. Would you buy this? I might, as it would make a good addition to the Museum's novelty/gimmick wing. 😉
– I said it before and I'll say it again: I heart Beth Ditto.
I feel like I need more time off just to catch up on everything! Here's a roundup of totally random things I wanted to mention.
– Breaking beauty news: Bobbi Brown is now at Sephora online, and should be hitting stores within the next few months. Also, the Curator's favorite hair care line, Bumble and Bumble, is now at select Sephora stores. Let's hope they bring it online soon!
– Say hello to my new favorite store, Zadig and Voltaire. I stumbled across it in Paris. After spotting lots of skulls, studs and black in the window (my biggest fashion weaknesses) I went in and promptly bought roughly half the store. Too bad they only have 3 locations in the U.S. (2 in NYC and one in LA) and the online store isn't too well-stocked, but I guess that's better for my wallet.
– My latest indulgence is the mani/pedi at the Red Door Spa. My very nice mother-in-law treated me to this the day before the wedding, and I'm hooked! I never got manis/pedis before (too afraid of infection or getting a fungus – I heard that even the "upscale" and "clean" spas still were dirty, plus I am uneasy with strangers touching me) but I couldn't turn down such a lovely gift. So far so good – no fungus to speak of. And my nails have never looked better!
– Anyone else watching Jersey Shore? I can't get enough…it truly is like a train wreck. You just can't turn away.
– Finally, I wanted to mention the Museum of Bags and Purses that I visited in Amsterdam. This was so cool and gives me hope that I will have a real makeup museum. Some pics:
I was going to devote this installment of the Curator's Corner to all great things American, but was too lazy so I just decided to do my usual round-up of things that caught my eye this week. Sorry U.S.A.! But here's a nice picture of fireworks.
– Now this is a diet I could get behind. Add some chocolate and I'll be all set.
– Looks like Pee Wee Herman is going to make a movie comeback!
Happy Independence Day!
I have been so busy! I was so hoping my little museum would not be neglected, but with my wedding 8 weeks away (yikes!) and taking on additional duties at work, things have been quite hectic. Anyway, here's what I was liking this week.
– I'm still enjoying the warm weather and sunshine, but that doesn't stop me from wanting these lovely flannel Louboutin pumps. So perfect for fall.
– City Life Eats shares a delicious recipe for adzuki beans, mango and spinach. Yum!
– My husband-to-be alerted me to this group exercise-meets-performance-art event at the Maryland Art Place. Too bad I wasn't able to go, but it looks like fun. Everybody Suz-ercise!
– BellaSugar takes a look at the history of mascara.
The official start of summer was Memorial Day, but that's not stopping me from sharing some of my favorite warm-weather stuff now. Enjoy!
– In addition to being a makeup junkie I have a bad shoe habit. My ultimate summer shoes are espadrilles like these – strappy, plain, closed-toe, open-toe, I don't care, I'll take 'em all!
– One of the things I look forward to when the temperature rises is wearing all my beloved summer scents: L'Artisan Ananas Fizz, Bobbi Brown Beach, Dior Escale a Portofino, Escada Tropical Punch (this, sadly, was limited edition and no longer available – I'm hoarding my extra bottle) and Wylde Ivy Coconut Island Castaway.
– Beautiful With Brains shares beauty trends from the Elizabethan era.
– Finally, I've been greatly enjoying Food Party on IFC. I think it's because it reminds me of a more bizarre version of Pee Wee's Playhouse, which I loved as a kid, and partially because it involves food and stuffed animals/puppets, which are among my very favorite things in the whole world. What's not to like?
Lots of things I’d like to share with you this week!
– If you haven’t yet listened to Baltimore’s very own Beach House, you’re missing out! I was lucky to snag tickets to their sold-out show last night (of course, I shopped early and got them in February to ensure I’d see them!).  The pic is one my husband-to-be took from the show.
– While I’m proud that B’more produced a band as great as the aforementioned Beach House, I am dismayed to learn that we are #8 in America’s top 10 fattest cities. Come on Charm City, I know we can do better!
– Well, maybe next month our town can focus on losing weight. This month is National Hamburger Month so we must celebrate by eating vast quantities! (With cheese and bacon on top and a big side of fries, of course.) Additionally, Slatkin released a hamburger-scented candle for the occasion. Mmmm.
– As a new fan of Latisse (my lashes are growing like weeds, with no weird side effects), I must say I found this parody of the commercial to be hilarious.
– On the beauty front, brings us swatches of the new Bobbi Brown Lip Treatment Shines. Want!
– I only have one word to describe this woman: amateur! We share the same first name, but she’s got nothin’ on MY collection.
– I really hope our wedding cake doesn’t turn out like these. Or these.
– Finally, don’t forget Mom! Here is a round-up of some lovely cards courtesy of Oh So Beautiful Paper.
Another long week. I have to admit I have been rather uninspired lately. With all the spring collections over and done with there’s not much going on for summer, at least not yet! So there’s been a bit of a lull for the Museum. Still, there are fun things worth mentioning:
– Remember Nathalie Lete’s work for Bourjois? Here’s her latest collaboration with Anthropologie.
– Makeup really does have a place in museums. Here’s an Egyptian makeup workshop and an exhibition of red lipstick portraits.
– I’ll be sad to miss the annual Kinetic Sculpture Race brought to us by the Visionary Art Museum. Maybe next year!
(image from
*crawls out from pile of work* I've been so busy lately with work and other things that are forcing me to neglect my beloved Museum, but still wanted to share some stuff I'm loving!
– My latest food discovery, delicious dark chocolate peanut butter. I wish they made bigger jars, as I seem to consume an entire one every week! Or perhaps I should just eat less. 😛
– Glamour Daze brings us a makeup tutorial from the 1940s.
– I'm soooo happy Makeup Bag mentioned one of my very favorite e-tailer products: Coconut Hut's Sugar Beach Triple Sugar scrub. I'm not overly fond of Sea Foam Slushie, but do check out all the amazing coconut scents!
– I must make a pilgrimage to NYC to see this archive.