Robin I wish I could say that the pic of the little fella to the left was mine, but alas.  It's officially spring tomorrow and I haven't seen one robin!  Sigh.  It can be 70 degrees and sunny, but unless I see a robin spring isn't really here.  Anyway, here's a roundup of what I was looking at this week.

– An unretouched makeup ad from Makeup Forever was revealed with much fanfare.  However, I'm of the "big deal" school of thought

– Loved this Scoop post comparing Anthropologie ads to Spanish bodegons.  Similar to my posts comparing makeup ads to various works of art.  🙂

– Must buy this DVD!

– Anyone else going to see the "Supermoon" tonight?  I think it's pretty cool!

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Hello!  I am out of town attending a wedding today (congrats to my husband's little brother and his new wifey!  YAY!), but still wanted to post and pretend that people actually read it.  :P  Here's what was on my radar this week.

– I've fallen head over heels in love with Tokyo Milk.  I thought I could limit myself to collecting only makeup, but I fear that Tokyo Milk has pushed me over to collecting bath and body products as well.  It's so pretty!  I hope to add to my burgeoning collection soon:


-  Mmm, bacon cinnamon rolls!  I once had Nutella and bacon French toast and it was divine, so I imagine I would love this.

– Beautiful with Brains has a cool post on beauty in the Edwardian era. 

– Still cold here but that didn't stop me from buying the "Lemon Stick" wedges from Anthropologie.  Yellow?  Check.  Dainty rose?  Check.  T=strap?  Check.  I normally don't like the more mustardy shades of yellow, but these are too cute!  They're totally my jam for spring and summer.



– Finally, don't forget to set your clocks forward!  Daylight savings time begins tonight at 2am.  Hooray for more light!

Hello out there!   Unfortunately my injury is nowhere near healed and I am getting discouraged by 3 weeks of physical therapy not seeming to work, but I feel the need to be back online to discuss some spring items.  The season is right around the corner!  This picture sums it up.

But for today, a round-up of what I've been interested in lately.

– Philosophy Spring Chick 3 in 1 heralds spring like nothing I've ever smelled!

– Speaking of chicks, put a bird on it! (I'm very much enjoying Portlandia.)

– Anything related to bathroom design has gotten my attention.   We hope to start renovating mine in early summer.  😀

– Finally, along the lines of home improvement, we are now the proud owner of these:


We are anxiously awaiting the mug, which is on backorder. 

Off to do my hour-long morning round of stretches and physical therapy exercises, ugh.  🙁

Matryoska-ornament-set-main Whew, the holiday season is in full swing!  Can't wait to have some time off.  In the meantime, here are some things that caught my eye this week.

– Scent as an art form exhibit at NYC's Museum of Art and Design.  We're getting closer to seeing makeup packaging as art form!

– And another step closer with this new makeup book.

– These awesome ornaments make me wish I had a full-sized Christmas tree instead of my little 2-foot mini one. 

– Yes, it's freezing out but that's not stopping me from experimenting with delicious holiday ice cream flavors:  eggnog, peppermint and gingerbread.

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Dear santa I've been a very naughty extremely good girl this year.  Therefore I am asking dear old St. Nick to bring me some cool new toys to play with.  Here's a smattering of what's on my admittedly long list.

Beautysnob alerted me to Laduree candles – why didn't I know about these sooner?!

This beautiful Cle de Peau palette.

Books on Max Ernst and Marcel Duchamp.

These lovely dark chocolate Frye boots (sadly, sold out of my size everywhere online.  But if anyone could pull off a Christmas miracle and find them for me, it's Santa!)

Finally, Lululemon is my latest obsession.  I want pretty much all of their pants and hoodies.  Pricey, yes, but I've come to the realization that having nice things to go to and from the gym with and exercise in will help motivate me to work out more.  At least, that's what I'm hoping!  All I know is, my tattered 8 year-old Target pants and equally ancient ratty gym sweatshirt aren't cutting the mustard anymore.  Time to move on up!

What are you hoping Santa brings you?

Holiday+Starbucks+Cup Today's installment will be basically catching up since I've not been fulfilling my blogging duties of late.  Here are some things from the past month that have caught my attention.

– Adorable vintage French labels from The Dieline.

Bacon-flavored latte syrup?  That's all well and good, but I think I'll stick to my beloved Starbucks holiday lattes (gingerbread, eggnog, caramel brulee and peppermint mocha.)

– I am just learning about this British TV comedy now, and it is hilarious! 

– If this is true, I need to start stockpiling chocolate right now.

– Speaking of chocolate, check out this delectable fashion show.

– Baltimore ranks #2 in Travel & Leisure's Least Attractive People category.  I knew there was a reason why I feel right at home here.  😛

– Finally, Oh So Beautiful Paper has started their holiday card round-ups.  These posts always make me want to buy and send hundreds of holiday cards, even though I only have a handful of people to send them to.

Jersey-shore-halloween-costumes-main Well, it's Halloween weekend!  I am sad because this is the time that it normally starts to turn from fall (pleasantly brisk) to winter (deathly cold.)  That aside, I do enjoy Halloween and the abundance of candy.  Here are some Halloween-related links that caught my eye.

– This is my kind of costume.

These, not so much.

– More Snooki Halloween madness.

– A nice little Halloween playlist courtesy of Bitch magazine.

And some non-Halloween related links, just because.  🙂

– Love the makeover this cabinet got.

– I approve of our state's official movie.

Happy Halloween!


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Punkin ice cream Still loving fall tremendously!  Doing all kinds of fall stuff this weekend…have to enjoy it now before it turns into horrible cold dark winter. 

– One of my activities will be visiting the Maryland Renaissance Festival.  Haven't gone in years so it should be fun.

– Another will be baking pumpkin muffins (I want to try out more recipes for these!) and making pumpkin ice cream.  And picking up some pumpkin ravioli at the farmer's market.  Hopefully I won't turn into a pumpkin from eating all this!

– And another fall-related food activity will be eating delicious honeycrisp apples.

Here are some non-fall things that caught my eye this week:

– A first glimpse at the MAC/Marcel Wanders collaboration's futuristic packaging.

– More fancy packaging from Jason Wu's collaboration with Supreme Aupres.

– Must visit the new NARS boutique next time I'm in NYC!   I hope it doesn't ever close (like Shu's did – still mourning that!)

– Loved looking at these vintage makeup ads at Makeup4All.

– The Muse shares one of Philosophy's newest additions to their 3 in 1s – Hot Buttered Rum, anyone?

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Tdf_tt_alloallo_480x760_300x300 Aaah, I've been enjoying the crisp fall weather we've been  having.  I've put my summer clothes away and broke out my boots and sweaters, and I'm all set for cooler weather!

– LUSH's Christmas lineup is at their website!  I desperately need the Bearded Lady and Gingerbread House bubble bars.

– I've been seeing these awesome mohawk shoes in all the magazines…if only I had an extra $1,000 or so sitting around, I'd get them. 

– Corin Tucker's new solo album came out on Tuesday.  Can't wait to get my paws on it.

– In other former S-K member news, sadly, Carrie Brownstein has quit her NPR blog Monitor Mix.  The silver lining is that she's in a new band with former S-K drummer Janet Weiss.  Very exciting indeed!

– Also exciting:  did you know it's National Pizza Month?  I will definitely be celebrating my favorite food.

– Finally, I want these super adorable tea towels.

What have you been enjoying this week?


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9780061806360 – IT'S HERE IT'S HERE IT'S HERE!  What, you ask?  Girls to the Front, a new book by Sara Marcus on Riot Grrrl.  I emailed her awhile ago and let her know about my thesis on the subject…never heard back.  :(  But at least the book is out now and I can see whether she used me as a source.  (I will be disappointed if my work on this subject isn't mentioned in some way – while it wasn't the best thesis ever, I felt it contributed a lot to Riot Grrrl!)

– In honor of National Coffee day, I will let it be known how obsessed I am with Starbucks limited-edition lattes.  This year in addition to Pumpkin Spice, they introduced Toffee Mocha, which is amazingly delicious.

– So many scary movies coming out that I want to see!

– The husband and I are looking to renovate my bathroom.  I found this post at Design Sponge to be extremely helpful, as we haven't been able to narrow down what kind of tile we want.

Anything you're particularly excited about this week?

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