someone who thinks Valentine's Day is pretty stupid, I'm a little tired of seeing all the V-day related stuff at all the various blogs I follow – I can't wait for this "holiday" to be over! Still, there's some good stuff to be had.  For example:

– LUSH is bringing back my precious Magic Mushroom Bubble Bars as part of their Valentine's Day collection.  You can see previous gushing about these here.  And check out this adorable video that came out last year.


– I did enjoy seeing this heart-shaped pizza complete with heart-shaped pepperoni. 

– I was also intrigued by these Sally Hansen V-day nail decals.  They're just cheesy enough to be worn ironically.

– In non-Valentine's Day news, it was World Nutella Day on February 5. 

– Loved this "Living in…" post devoted to Twin Peaks over at Design Sponge.

– These custom temporary tattoos are such a good idea!  Must steal. 

– Also must investigate the idea of a museum app, like this one for the Guggenheim.  How cool would it be for the Makeup Museum to have its own app?!

What things were you digging this week?, another winter week comes to an end.  And so did the Makeup Museum's first-ever giveaway.  It was so much fun, I can't wait to do another! 

Here are this week's links.

– Bust manages to find Arrested Development paper dolls.

– My niece loves monkeys, especially Paul Frank monkeys, so I want to get her these Bonne Bell Lip Smackers (via MusingsofaMuse).

– So excited that AbFab's Patsy and Edina are starring in Alexis Bittar's latest campaign.  Check out a sneak-peek video here.

– On the local front, Berger's Cookies are coming out with rum, strawberry and lemon flavors.  Mmm.

– In Paris, an exhibition on the history of French perfume opened. 

The Beheld tipped me off to this interview with the archivist for Procter & Gamble.  You know what means?  He has access to all these really cool Max Factor ads, like this one.  

Max factor ad
(image from

What caught your eye this week?, I'm glad it was the last full week of January.  We're one month closer to spring and summer!  Here are this week's links.

– Design Milk shows us some glass curiosity cabinets meant to be "miniature museums" by Maissa Toulet.  I bet these would be spectacular for displaying makeup.

– An Italian artist plans a 24-hour pop-up museum.  Must steal this idea.

– Another day-late, dollar-short article from the New York Times (see a previous Curator's Corner where I pointed out that the exact topic of their article was one I covered much earlier!)  This time it's about cartoon characters inspiring makeup collections.  Er, NYT, please see my post from March 2011 on the subject (and check out the links contained therein).

– It was National Peanut Butter Day on Tuesday.  I love peanut butter so much that I actually have to keep it on a very high shelf that I can't reach without a ladder – otherwise I'd be eating one whole jar every week.

– Possibly the most exciting news of the week is that Beth Ditto will be collaborating with MAC!!  The collection is supposed to hit counters in June.  As a long-time Gossip/Ditto fan, I can't wait. 

Beth ditto for mac
(image from

What caught your eye this week?

CC logoThis week's links:

– How cute are these Dolce and Gabbana pencil charms

– Love this video spoofing Photoshop usage. 

– Now that I've gotten my fancy new iPhone, I want this alarm clock/docking station for it. 

– An interesting post from one of my favorite blogs, Collecting Vintage Compacts

And a quick note:  I'll be taking this coming week off from blogging to make preparations for a special exhibition.  As a matter of fact, I most likely will be blogging one week on, one week off until spring – it feels far too early to discuss spring items now, and I don't think I will have enough good content to post every week.  But even though blogging might be light, I'm always adding product reviews so be sure to stop by!  I really hate the week after New Year's – all the holidays are over and it's just bleak winter for the next few months.  That said, there were still some interesting things from the week.

– You might remember artist Yayoi Kusama's designs for Lancôme's Juicy Tubes.  Her latest project was so cool (and kid-friendly!)

– In other art news, poor Clyfford Still

39% of women consider themselves a "shoe person" (I'm definitely one of them). 

– Who else watched the season premiere of Portlandia last night?  It was pretty awesome.

– You know what's pretty awesome too?  Knowing I can watch TV anywhere thanks to my brand new iPhone!!!  That's right, I'm officially in the 21st century now.




And naturally I ordered this case to go with it.

Babo phone case
(image from

I'm still learning how to use it so I'm all ears on tips and advice.  What are your favorite apps?  Please share in the comments section!

Janus-head1-297x300(image of Janus from you may know, I hate New Year's.  I just find it to be horribly depressing and the notion of making resolutions is unbearable.   Previously on New Year's I've posted about aspirations rather than making resolutions or even setting goals, and it works for me.  These are what I ASPIRE to do, not necessarily accomplish.  This way I let myself off the hook and I won't feel so sad when I don't get them done! 

– Research pop-up museums and see if something like that would be doable.

– Continue making exhibitions a little more "museum-y" by adding accompanying labels.

– Unveil a series of special exhibitions.

– Make some progress on the long-talked-about coffee table book.

– Be more organized about blogging so that I actually write posts on time (gasp!) rather than writing a bunch and back-dating them all.  It's a very bad habit.

– Do a couple of giveaways.  I have at least 3 brand-new items that I don't feel like trying to sell on E-bay.

– Most importantly, research social media to see how to get more people interested in the Museum and following the blog.  A corollary aspiration to this is to not get too down when I still get no substantial increase in interest/followers, and continue posting as if people actually read this blog.  I've been basically talking to myself since the Museum's inception, but I'll keep doing so because I believe in what I'm doing.

Here's a quick recap of the year.   I think I've made a tiny bit of progress in 2011!

– Wrote 121 posts.

Joined Twitter.  I can't say I find it all that useful and it's so hard to keep up with.  I'll do something for 5 minutes and when I check again it's like "57 new tweets".  Maybe eventually I'll get the hang of it.

– Debuted a new (and hopefully improved) exhibition format.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe New Year's.  I'm off to have a few drinks and pass out before midnight.

CC logoIt's almost Christmas, hooray!  Oddly enough I don't think Santa is bringing me any makeup – I opted for more workout clothes from Lululemon. 😛

Here are some links from the week.

– Jane has a spot-on article about men who don't like makeup on women.  Sigh. 

– A round-up of beauty books from The Hairpin

– Did you know it was National Cupcake Day this past Thursday?  I didn't.  But I do plan on making a batch of eggnog cupcakes for my mom when I visit her later this week. 

– For those of you celebrating Christmas, here's some nail fun.  OPI Merry Holidays…


…plus China Glaze Twinkle Lights layered on top…


…equals one hell of a festive manicure!


– Finally, a little announcement:  now that I've written about most of the newest holiday stuff, this week's posts will be a series I'm calling Ghosts of Christmas Makeup Past.  They will be devoted to the holiday collections of last year and earlier, which for whatever reason I didn't cover when they were actually released.  So go back in time with me and celebrate the pretty items from yesteryear! love this time of year – the holidays aren't so close that you're sad they'll be over soon, but close enough that you don't feel out-of-season watching Elf and drinking eggnog.  Links that caught my eye this week:

– Looks like Pantone is teaming up with Sephora to create their own collection. 

– I love these huge (or "ginormous", as Buddy would say) gingerbread houses

– I also love Oh So Beautiful Paper's annual holiday card round-ups.  Here's part 10

- I said it before and I'll say it again – perfume bottle exhibitions mean a makeup exhibition can't be too far behind. 

What have you been digging this week?'s been a busy post-Thanksgiving week.  Now that the fall exhibition is done I'm moving on to the holiday/winter exhibition.  I'm still trying to keep up with all the blogs I follow in Google Reader so with that, here are some links from the week.

– I've never read the books, but I want this Girl with the Dragon Tattoo collection for H & M.  Looks pretty badass. 

– Two of my favorite things – lipstick and heels – together at last.

– Adorable Natty Boh cupcakes from Cakespy.  

This is a very intriguing idea – a pop-up museum!  I wonder how I could execute that.

Given the baking rampage I've been on, the husband surprised me with the Momofuku Milk Bar cookbook. I can't wait to try my hand at crack pie!  However, the other day I came home to this:


He was showing the other Babsters how he's going to make these:


Looks like I'm going to have to fight him to give me back the book!  And in case you were wondering, yes, the little Babos are wearing their ugly Christmas sweaters:


'Tis the season! hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  I was a little bummed as I wasn't spending it at my parents' house (my dad makes the most amazing Thanksgiving feast ever!) but it was still quite nice.   While I'm recovering from a food coma, here are some things from the week.

– Oh-so British Christmas crackers from Lancôme. 

– British Beauty Blogger showcases these adorable shell lip balms.

-  Today I had an awesome time meeting up with the lovely Valerie in DC.  We went to Shophouse (the Asian version of Chipotle – I really hope it takes off!), then headed to Paper Source, where, predictably, I went beserk on letterpress cards.  Then we headed to Lululemon.  I restrained myself but there were at least 3 things I could have bought.  All in all a great morning/early afternoon – always wonderful to catch up with good friends.  🙂

– Finally, look who arrived just in time to help me with the holiday baking!  Heeee!


When he's not helping me in the kitchen, Cookie Chef Babo will be serving as the head chef at the Museum's cafe/patisserie.  🙂