Established 2008

Curator’s Corner, 11/27/10

Holiday+Starbucks+Cup Today's installment will be basically catching up since I've not been fulfilling my blogging duties of late.  Here are some things from the past month that have caught my attention.

– Adorable vintage French labels from The Dieline.

Bacon-flavored latte syrup?  That's all well and good, but I think I'll stick to my beloved Starbucks holiday lattes (gingerbread, eggnog, caramel brulee and peppermint mocha.)

– I am just learning about this British TV comedy now, and it is hilarious! 

– If this is true, I need to start stockpiling chocolate right now.

– Speaking of chocolate, check out this delectable fashion show.

– Baltimore ranks #2 in Travel & Leisure's Least Attractive People category.  I knew there was a reason why I feel right at home here.  😛

– Finally, Oh So Beautiful Paper has started their holiday card round-ups.  These posts always make me want to buy and send hundreds of holiday cards, even though I only have a handful of people to send them to.

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