Can you guess where I was earlier this week? Yup, the American Alliance of Museums 2013 annual meeting! I had been wanting to attend one for years, but when I saw that the 2013 conference would be right here in Baltimore I decided to pony up the dough and go.
I felt oh-so-important picking up the official conference program and name badge:
I attended a few sessions that I thought might be useful for the Makeup Museum, including these:
And hit up the expo:
I visited the bookstore on the last day, it was pretty picked clean by that point. Oh well.
All in all, while I didn't find it tremendously helpful (due to the fact that the Makeup Museum isn't quite a "real" museum like the others that were represented at the conference) most of the sessions I attended were at least interesting and did give me some ideas. I probably won't attend again though until the Museum is an actual organization. What would be awesome is if there were a conference just for burgeoning museums that would have sessions with step-by-step instructions on how to start your own museum. I also wish I could have taken my Communications Director with me because he could do the difficult task of networking, but I thought it would look a little strange. 😉