Established 2008

Welcoming a very special Babo!

You might remember the super-awesome birthday card the husband made me a while back in the shape of a mer-Babo.  I always knew they existed since the Sailor Babos told me so, but I had never seen a real live one…until a very kind fellow Uglydoll enthusiast on Instagram sent one to swim my way.  Please welcome Mer-Babo! 


He seems very interested in life on land (despite all the time he spends splashing around in the tub), so I'm thinking his natural curiosity will make him a great research assistant at the Museum.  He's already made himself acquainted with some of the Museum's mermaid-themed objects too!



The staff page has been updated, so enjoy getting to know the Museum's employees if you haven't already.  🙂







6 thoughts on “Welcoming a very special Babo!

  1. You can definitely join the team, provided you have the right qualifications – must love cookies and generally be lazy. I don’t know about the bag, Mer-Babo has declared it to be his! 😀

  2. You can definitely join the team, provided you have the right qualifications – must love cookies and generally be lazy. I don’t know about the bag, Mer-Babo has declared it to be his! 😀

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