I'm still reeling from the news that Stila is bankrupt and going out of business (some are speculating that it is just a nasty rumor, yet I'm genuinely worried that this is the end), but the show, er, blog, must go on. Barbie celebrates her 50th birthday this year! There's been much buzz about this iconic doll turning the big 5-0, but what I'm most interested in is Stila's collection devoted to Barbie. (Why MAC did a Barbie collection in 2007 rather than wait till now is a mystery, but that's another post.) Stila released a set of four paint cans, each showing a Barbie from different eras and containing a palette decorated with Barbie. First is the original 1959 Ponytail doll:
Next is the Malibu doll from 1971:
Then the Foxy doll from 1980:
Finally, the Jewel doll from 2000:
There are also 2 Barbie palettes and a lip glaze (which I couldn't purchase as Museum funds were depleted on the paint cans!):
(photos from stilacosmetics.com and sephora.com)
I was so happy to see my favorite line team up with Barbie and produce their signature paint cans. I also thought it was clever that they included products to help the consumer obtain the look for each Barbie style. Finally, I liked that you don't have to be a fan of Barbie to enjoy these. I never owned a Barbie (not because my cool feminist mom wouldn't let me have one – I think she shares this view that Barbie isn't harmful to little girls – but because I found the doll to be boring) and I thought these were really well-done.
If only Stila could stick around we could see what else they would come up with. Fingers crossed their supposed bankruptcy really is just a rumor.
p.s. If you happen to live in or visit NYC, you must check out the amazing display in the 5th avenue Sephora before it's gone – the entire second floor is devoted to Stila's Barbie collection, complete with life-size cardboard cutouts of the 1959 Barbie in her black and white bathing suit. I was visiting during the last weekend in March and of course managed to forget my camera in the hotel room, so I have no pictures (well, I took a few on my phone but I haven't the foggiest idea as to how to get them off the phone and onto the computer), but it's really neat!