January must be a sloooooow news month, as my fledgling museum has made it into Baltimore Magazine! I was interviewed and photographed a while ago but didn't post this very exciting news because I was afraid the article wouldn't actually materialize, but here we are! If you're in the Charm City area I would be ever so flattered if you picked up a copy. Hell, I'd be happy if you just flipped through it at the grocery checkout! Turn to page 50 for a short article and a truly HIDEOUS picture of the Curator. (I am not photogenic to begin with and the day the picture was taken I was having an extremely bad hair day. Naturally I didn't want to annoy the poor photographer who was patiently trying to get a decent pic, so I didn't insist on him coming back on another day when my hair was less flat.) Still, this is pretty cool, huh? :D Finally, some recognition!
Big thanks to Mary Mashburn for making this possible, to Janelle for writing such a nice piece and to David for getting the best picture possible of unphotogenic me. 🙂
Whooo! Congrats, Ms. Curator. Maybe you’d like to scan the article and throw it up here? I’m sure I’m not the only one outside the Baltimore area who wants to see it …
Whooo! Congrats, Ms. Curator. Maybe you’d like to scan the article and throw it up here? I’m sure I’m not the only one outside the Baltimore area who wants to see it …
How totally exciting. Go you!!
How totally exciting. Go you!!
Kudos to the curator and the museum. Let’s get that article scanned.
Kudos to the curator and the museum. Let’s get that article scanned.
Thanks so much for the support, everyone! It really means a lot. I’m still on the fence about posting the article here though. 😉 Let me think about it some more!
Thanks so much for the support, everyone! It really means a lot. I’m still on the fence about posting the article here though. 😉 Let me think about it some more!