Established 2008

Friday fun: Tarina Tarantino’s new line

Jewelry and  hair accessory designer Tarina Tarantino has just launched her own cosmetics line, now available at Sephora.  The jury is still out on the quality of the makeup itself, but here at the Museum I am more interested in discussing the packaging.  It's more or less what I was expecting from her work (I have a really cool pink and yellow plastic skull ring from her that I adore) – extremely girly, full of bows and pearls and pink.  Here's an eyeshadow and blush:

Tt pearls

This so called "Sparkicity shimmer dust" comes in a pink bottle complete with fluffy atomizer – instead of a spritz of scent you'll get a healthy dose of shimmer.  And of course the brushes in the line had to be fuchsia! 

Tt girly
(images from
As you can see from some of her pieces below, the makeup line definitely is in keeping with her style:

Tt pearl bracelet bow

Although I must say part of me would have loved to have seen something a bit less girly and, well, juvenile.  The packaging almost looks like it was meant for a child.  Maybe she could have worked in some of her skulls or spiders to make it a bit more edgy and therefore mature?

Tt pink skull spider
(images from

While the packaging is cute and fun, it's not Museum-worthy – a little too childish for me  (and this is coming from someone who has Disney, Hello Kitty and Barbie on some of her makeup) and not all that interesting.   Benefit and Too-faced do fun and playful packaging a lot better.  What do you think? 

8 thoughts on “Friday fun: Tarina Tarantino’s new line

  1. I saw on the sephora blog that Tarina will be releasing limited edition collections seasonally, they show some pictures and they are really amazing looking, I think you will like those better for your museum. I love your blog and the video was cute!

  2. I saw on the sephora blog that Tarina will be releasing limited edition collections seasonally, they show some pictures and they are really amazing looking, I think you will like those better for your museum. I love your blog and the video was cute!

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