Established 2008

E-bay stalking: Holika Holika Hello Holika Chic Blushes

The life of a makeup museum curator requires me to be regularly on the prowl (ha) for items that managed to slip through my hands when they were first released.  Occasionally in my searches I come across more collectibles that I had no idea about previously.  Case in point:  these cat blushes from Asian brand Holika Holika.  I stumbled across them last week, but waited to post about them since I thought they'd be an appropriate follow up to yesterday's post

Breeze kitten

Twinkling kitten
(images from

Pending the Advisory Committee approval, I'm ready to add these to the Museum's collection.  They will make a great addition to a cat-tastic exhibition.  😉

4 thoughts on “E-bay stalking: Holika Holika Hello Holika Chic Blushes

  1. These are truly spectacular!!! I’ve been meaning to try Holika Holika for some time now, as well as a few other Asian brands, I think this push is just what I was waiting for!

  2. These are truly spectacular!!! I’ve been meaning to try Holika Holika for some time now, as well as a few other Asian brands, I think this push is just what I was waiting for!

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