Well, it's almost Easter, which I think I like even more than Halloween as more and different types of chocolate are involved. While normally I give in to my chocoholic tendencies and share what the Easter Bunny brought me (as I did last year), this year, in honor of Philosophy's amazing Sugar Chick 3 in 1, I am devoting this installment of Curator's Corner to all things Peep!
– Mmm, chocolate-dipped Peeps.
– These peep-stuffed brownies also sound delightful.
– My favorite thing about Peeps is how silly-looking they get after you blow them up in the microwave! This post has a round-up of the best Peep microwaving videos.
– Finally, as an art aficionado I just adored this Mondrian Peep display, courtesy of Cakespy.
Happy Easter, peeps! 😉
P.S. Do you love the totally sweet custom Curator's Corner logo? Thanks to my awesome husband for making it. 🙂