Established 2008

Curator’s Corner, 8/13/2011 This was another relatively quiet week, which I am thankful for.  Here is a batch of links – lots of great stuff this week!

– OMG, Laduree is coming to the states!  In NYC, of course.   Next time I visit I will be eating my weight in rose macorons the way I did in Paris.

– As someone who considers her plushies to be like her children, I was relieved to see this story had a happy ending.

– Good god, I am addicted to Pinterest.

Collecting Vintage Compacts digs deeper into the story behind a compact rumored to have been designed by Dali. 

– I've been wanting to check out yoga classes for a while now but was too chicken, so my very good friend Valerie kindly offered to take me to a beginner class near her to help ease me into it.  I really liked it and now am not too scared to check out Charm City Yoga.  😀  

– Great post on why Larry David is a feminist hero.

– Finally, my bathroom renovation has begun!  I was not in the least sad to see it destroyed.  Good riddance!   Here it is completely gutted:


I will be sure to post before and after pics when it's all done. 

Note:  I will be taking a blogging break for next couple weeks, enjoying the last few weeks of summer and getting preparations underway for the fall exhibition(s).  😉

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