Happy Easter Fool's! Let's take a look to see what the interwebz had in store for the past few weeks.
-In what I thought for sure were early April Fool's jokes that turned out to be true, Chanel beauty will now be sold at Ulta, while Einstein Bros. inexplicably released cheese-scented shampoo and bacon-scented conditioner. Equally confounding is the fact that both items sold out.
– The crazy brow trend isn't going anywhere any time soon. However, Racked points out why we fall for these and explains why they're actually not trends at all.
– In makeup history, the Smithsonian outlines Madam C.J. Walker's philanthropic endeavors, and we finally discover what brow pencil Frida Kahlo wore.
– On why J-Beauty isn't the new K-beauty.
– Certainly a novel use for a hairdryer, but I guess when you shell out that kind of money for a Dyson it should do more than merely dry one's hair, yes?
The random:
– So much '90s nostalgia! Twentieth birthday wishes are in order for both Dawson's Creek and one of the Curator's favorite movies (read more critics' thoughts here and here). Meanwhile, '90s-era music is experiencing not so much nostalgia as a resurgence, what with bands like The Breeders, Belly and Superchunk all releasing new albums.
– On the museum front, what's worse than another made-for-Instagram museum? One that rips off legitimate artists. Sigh.
– No idea how I missed this book – it was just recently brought to my attention via Twitter – but it's now on my wishlist.
How are you? Did you have a good Easter/Passover/weekend?
“That rug really tied the room together.”:-). 20 years and not a wrinkle.
“That rug really tied the room together.”:-). 20 years and not a wrinkle.
Haha! Easily one of the best lines. Thanks so much for commenting!
Haha! Easily one of the best lines. Thanks so much for commenting!