Established 2008

Curator’s Corner, 3/26/11

The Curator is getting quite impatient to see some robins.  I've been keeping my eyes peeled all week and nothing!  I've gotten reports of robin sightings in Towson but I haven't seen any myself in Baltimore City.  The forsythias and daffodils have bloomed, it's time for some red birds!  Meh.

Anyway, all my complaining aside I still managed to enjoy some things this week.

– I love anything miniature, so this post at Oh Hello Friend was right up my alley.

– In addition to bacon-scented candles, this 13 year-old makes pizza ones too!  As much as I love foody scents and pizza especially, I don't think I'd want a candle that smells like it.  Still, a cool idea and he seems like a nice kid.  🙂

– The Cooper-Hewitt gives us a conflation of fashion and art with their show on Sonia Delaunay's textiles.

– Lucky New Yorkers – they had an entire day devoted to macarons this past Monday.

– On the local front, husband and I really need to get to Camden Yards this year and eat our way through an Orioles game.   Every year we say we're gonna do it and then it gets to be October and we realized we never went.  Well, this year they have new food offerings so we have to make an honest effort!

Snooki_0 – Finally, you know what was even better than watching the rerun of the season finale of Jersey Shore last night while cramming a calzone into my mouth?  Watching the cast of Jersey Shore duke it out on Silent Library, which came on after the rerun.  In my opinion Silent Library is a cross between Jackass and Double Dare, (I'm really showing my age here) topped off with a hilarious faux-serious host.  Husband and I enjoyed it greatly.  😀

(image from

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