Teehee, I celebrated my b-day this week! While I'm not happy at all about getting older, I do enjoy my birthday as it's the one day a year I give myself total permission to do whatever the hell I feel like doing (or not doing.) Here are a couple links, followed by some of the highlights from my b-day.
– How awesome are these makeup-shaped sweets?
– Vampy Varnish brings us MUFE's Highline palette. Would make a nice piece for a NYC-themed exhibition. 😉
– My very sweet husband surprised me with a gorgeous new bag! I have dubbed her Rosie, in honor of her rose gold hardware.
– I took the day off from work for my b-day and made as many treats as my little heart desired. This, of course, attracted various Museum staff. First I made champagne cupcakes:
And then peanut butter cookie cups:
And made the custard for cake batter ice cream with buttercream frosting swirled throughout. It was quite a day!