– I don't know how I missed the original call for submissions, but Lipglossipping had an awesome contest where you could submit your interpretation of Paris using beauty products. There were some truly amazing ideas.
– So many of these food theme days! Monday we had National Homemade Cookie Day, and Thursday was both National Taco Day and National Vodka Day. And as I mentioned last year, this whole month is National Pizza Month.
– How pretty is the packaging for this new vegan hair care line? Pretty bird, pretty bird.
– ABBA is getting their very own museum. High time, methinks.
– Here's something I didn't think of collecting: vintage beauty books. This one from the '70s sounds particularly juicy.
– So bummed!! The founder of my favorite clothing store in the whole wide world (seriously, I've been in their stores in no fewer than 4 countries and have posted about it here, here, and here) made a racist, xenophobic comment. :( How incredibly disappointing for huge fans such as myself.
– On the lighter side, here's a handy guide to everything you need to know about the new season of Arrested Development. You can also win a chance to be one of six lucky walk-ons!
– Halloween's coming and there are so many scary movies I want to see. VHS, Sinister, Paranormal Activity 4 are at the top of my list, plus ones that have been out for a while (Human Centipede 2, Cabin in the Woods, The Apparition and The Possession).
– It's finally feeling like fall here, so Museum Advisory Committee member Sailor Babo wishes everyone a happy decorative gourd season.