Established 2008

Breaking news: Stila goes bankrupt :( :( :(

I wish I could have posted something fun for Friday, but Fashionista has just reported some very sad news.

Stila is (was) the absolute favorite line of the Curator.  In fact, the Stila girl illustrations are a large part of what inspired me to start collecting and getting the idea for a makeup museum.   You may have noticed that in the About section of this blog I even have my "title"  after the creator of Stila.  I am very sad to hear the news that no more lovely Stila items will be produced.  This means that all the collectibles I am missing for the museum will be even harder to track down.  I'm off to e-bay to try to find things that would be good for the museum to have on hand. 

R.I.P.   🙁

Stila artist

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