I'm simultaneously incredibly excited and horrified to share this little video at Baltimore Magazine's homepage. Every month the magazine does a couple of online video features of pieces from the print magazine, and this month the editor chose me! While it's a bit scary to have lost my anonymity, it's exciting to be up at their website. I'm quite flattered and grateful to have been selected! 🙂
The experience was far more nerve-wracking than the interview and picture for the print magazine, but a lot of fun too. The camera man came by this past Saturday. He was here for almost 2 hours! Yes, 2 hours to get roughly a minute and a half long video! It was really cool, he had all this fancy equipment and such. When they first told me they would be shooting a video I was expecting this little handheld camera, but there was a tripod and lights and everything! I spent the morning before his arrival scurrying about trying to rearrange the collection so that it was grouped by theme ("fun" packaging in the auxiliary office exhibition space, couture in the hallway, and artist collaborations/Stila girls/Chantecaille in the main exhibition space) as well as trying to make myself look halfway decent – I'm way overdue for a haircut and color, hence the bad flat hair! I was pretty nervous too so that's why my face looks a tad sweaty/greasy, despite a healthy dose of my beloved Make Up For Ever High-Definition Microfinish powder. Finally, once again the camera is not kind to my face – it just takes my features and positively warps them! Those who have seen me in person can attest to the fact that I really don't look that bad in real life. ;)
Since my super-secret cover is now blown, I figured I'd share the article that appeared in the magazine. Enjoy. And please, for the last time, disregard the picture! (I fear for our wedding photos.)
You look great !! Congrats again on being featured in the mag.
You look great !! Congrats again on being featured in the mag.
That was super cool. Great job!
That was super cool. Great job!
Thanks so much guys! I really appreciate it! 😀
Thanks so much guys! I really appreciate it! 😀
Congrats– fantastic site!
Congrats– fantastic site!
Thank you! Love your site too. 🙂
Thank you! Love your site too. 🙂